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A series of work/life lessons from the walk, as posted on my LinkedIn page each week.

#5: Targets focus attention, create incentives and work. But they also distort. So…don’t discard targets, but think hard…

I usually walk 10-12 miles, and then catch a bus back. Bus services are not always frequent. Missing the bus means an expensive taxi ride. So a “target” of reaching the destination in time has a strong incentive, and generally works. Sometimes I jog, if timing is tight. Its good exercise! I’ve only missed this target a couple of times out of 100+ days so far.


But let's stand back. Rushing means there’s less time to enjoy the view, talk to people, take photos, wander off the path for a few yards, and to think! Back to the broader purpose of the walk: raising awareness that cervical cancer can be eradicated. Its not to set a record for speed-walking around England/Wales.


The cost of being too obsessed about getting to the destination means that the journey is compromised. Its still good to catch the bus, but I need to leave earlier in order to meet the other, “softer” but ultimately-more-important “targets”.



Lesson #1: Checklists work, but they take real discipline to use.
Lesson #2: Acts of kindness are twice blessed. (Apologies to Shakespeare.)
Lesson #3: Social changes are happening fast.
Lesson #4: Walking begets thinking. But walking and thinking need to be accompanied by talking.
Lesson #5: Targets focus attention, create incentives and work. But they also distort. So…don’t discard targets, but think hard…
Lesson #6: Quiet time really works. Make time for it.
Lesson #7: Persuasion takes investment in time, stories and relationships.
Lesson #8: Don’t waste emotional energy on irritations which will seem minor in hindsight.
Lesson #9: Connect, listen and embrace coincidences. (Fate?)
Lesson #10: Acknowledge our predecessors.
Lesson #11: Persuasion works better after listening.
Lesson #12: Inspiration is everywhere, if we look.
Lesson #13: All three matter: what we do, which organization we work in and who we work for/with.
Lesson #14: Criticism is everywhere. Genuine, heartfelt appreciation is rarer – and highly motivational. Use it more.
Lesson #15: Community matters.
Lesson #16: Suggestion for New Year’s resolution list: Take a long walk in 2019.
Lesson #17: Sometimes all that’s needed is just to listen. No action necessary.
Lesson #18: Vision, plus steps to attain it, is inspiring and practical.
Lesson #19: Encourage and respond to contrary views.
Lesson #20: Our actions and attitudes really do make a difference.
Lesson #21: February is a good month to cement positive habits.
Lesson #22: Small kindnesses can have large impacts. Including creating relationships.
Lesson #23: We can recover (and sometimes do extraordinary things) from facing real adversity.
Lesson #24: The personal touch really matters. The difference between neutrality/slight negativity and warm positive feelings.
Lesson #25: Enthusiasm plus competence is infectious and motivating.
Lesson #26: Life’s short. The potential satisfaction of change is greater than the disappointment of inaction.
Lesson #27: The unusual happens unexpectedly. Relish it.
Lesson #28: Use imagination when building a constituency for change.
Lesson #29: Acts of kindness can have a long tail.
Lesson #30: Strive, but remember to be kind to yourself.
Lesson #31: Look and think before speaking.
Lesson #32: Contemplation and branding are a powerful combination.
Lesson #33: Tragedy can strengthen institutions – but it always takes personal leadership.
Lesson #34: Make a mistake? Own, move on, learn…
Lesson #35: Extraordinary kindness occurs more than we expect…
Lesson #36: Optimistic, positive “followership” makes a huge difference.
Lesson #37: Not worth fretting over minor “disasters”. They’re often not.
Lesson #38: Ecosystems make a huge difference. Great organizations help make good ecosystems.
Lesson #39: Reaching out works wonders.
Lesson #40: Purpose is everything. And it's infectious.
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